The Shattering Swords

Shattering Swords Title Screen
Shattering Swords Screenshot

Description: The Shattering Swords is a 3D 3rd-person Action game developed as my graduate capstone project. It is currently being developed in a team of 5 developers, including myself, and 4 artists.
The primary goal of the project is to develop an interesting and unique combat system, though it will be set in a world that the team designed as well. The combat itself takes a great deal of inspiration from the combat of the Dark Souls series, though its aesthetics are much differerent and it does lack some defining features of that genre. It is much brighter and more stylized in terms of aesthetics and, when designing, we chose to drop the health potion analog, instead opting for the player regaining health through successful parries.

Role: Team Lead - As the overall team lead for this project, I oversaw most meetings, scheduled meetings, organized discussion topics for meetings, designed production and task management procedures, oversaw task management board, and oversaw the project's development blog.
Role: Gameplay Programmer - For this project, I also programmed or assisted in the development of many of the game's interactions. Particularly, I designed the architecture of and programmed 2 systems for gathering playtest analytics and in-game object management. These can be read about in the Confluence pages below.

Language(s) Used: C#

System(s)/Tool(s) Used: Unity 3D, Odin Inspector and Serializer, Confluence, GitKraken

GitHub Repository
Most Recent GitHub Release
The Weapon Rack (Development Blog)
Analytics System Documentation
Object Management System Documentation

Phone: (402) 987-8298
